PDF Table of Contents#


Not all PDF documents will have a Table of Contents, to check to see if the current document instance contains a Table of Contents an application developer should call the isTOCEnabled method once the document has fully loaded.

val hasTOC:Boolean = documentView.isTOCEnabled

if (hasTOC) {
    // enable UI (e.g. button/gesture) responsible for invoking TOC display

In order to show the pre-built Table of Contents UI an application developer simply needs to call the tableOfContents method as follows:



Table of Contents is also known as “Bookmarks” or “Outline”.

Enumerating a Table of Contents#

To get information about the table of contents the following API should be used to enumerate the listing:

documentView?.let { dv ->
    // get the TOC entries
    val entries = ArrayList<TocData>()

    dv.enumeratePdfToc(object : DocumentView.EnumeratePdfTocListener {
        override fun nextTocEntry(handle: Int, parentHandle: Int, page: Int,
                                  label: String, url: String, x: Float, y: Float) {
            val entry: TocData = TocData(handle, parentHandle, page, label, url, x, y)
        override fun done() {


private class TocData constructor(var handle: Int,
                                  var parentHandle: Int,
                                  var page: Int,
                                  var label: String,
                                  var url: String,
                                  var x: Float,
                                  var y: Float) {
    var level:Int = 0
    var tabIndent:String = ""

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