PDF Table of Contents


Not all PDF documents will have a Table of Contents, but for those that do there will be a non-nil array associated against the MuPDFDKDoc document instance as follows:

let toc:[ARDKTocEntry]? = session.doc.toc


If there is no Table of Contents for the PDF then the toc array will simply be nil.

Table of Contents is also known as “Bookmarks” or “Outline”.

To understand each ARDKTocEntry entry object inside the delivered array, an application developer can loop the array to strip out the entries into a flat array for listing purposes. This is because ARDKTocEntry items can contain sub-nested ARDKTocEntry items (items at lower depths representing a table of contents sub-listing from a parent item). An example of how to traverse the toc array is as follows:

func traverse(toc:[ARDKTocEntry]) {
    var tocEntries:[ARDKTocEntry] = []

    func add(entries:[ARDKTocEntry]) {
        for entry:ARDKTocEntry in entries {
            if entry.children != nil {
                add(entries:entry.children! as! [ARDKTocEntry])


    /// Items should now be in a flat array, check their label and depth
    for item:ARDKTocEntry in tocEntries {

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